Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Who Killed Reconstruction?

North or South: Who Killed Reconstruction? Harper’s Weekly September 1, 1868 Harper’s Weekly September 1, 1868 â€Å"Is This a Republican Form of Government? Is This Protecting Life, Liberty, or Property? † â€Å"Is This a Republican Form of Government? Is This Protecting Life, Liberty, or Property? † Overview: The twelve years after the Civil War proved to be a difficult time for America. Called Reconstruction by historians, this era saw an increase of freedom for former slaves. However, there was also great resistance to change.In 1877 attempts to reconstruct the South officially ended, leaving white-only governments in power. This DBQ asks you to decide who, North or South, was most responsible for the end of Reconstruction Background Essay North or South: Who Killed Reconstruction †¦ the slave went free; stood a brief moment in the sun; then moved back again toward slavery. -W. E. B. Dubois 1876 was an exciting year for America. It was the 100th a nniversary of The Declaration of Independence and America was on the move. Homesteaders and ranchers were filling up the land west of the Mississippi River.Railroads were being built at an astounding rate. It seemed the United States was creating enough opportunity that all Americans and millions of immigrants could pursue their hopes for happiness just as Thomas Jefferson had envisioned 100 years earlier. So it is a great irony of history that the election of 1876 officially crushed the American dream for millions of black Americans. This election saw Rutherford B. Hayes, the Republican candidate and eventual winner, square off against Samuel J. Tilden, the Democratic nominee. Although Tilden won the popular ote by a wide margin, election results in Florida, South Carolina, and Louisiana were so close that a winner could not be determined. If these three states went for Hayes, he would win the Electoral College vote and become President. Talk of a new Civil War was in the air as th e opponents in the disputed states submitted separate sets of electoral ballots. An informal agreement, now called The Compromise of 1877, avoided the crisis by granting Hayes the Presidency. In return, Hayes promised to remove the last Federal soldiers from the South, almost guaranteeing that all-white governments would rise to power.The dream of Reconstruction was officially dead. For a while, however, it had seemed that the dream of Reconstruction might be realized. The 13th Amendment ended slavery. The 14th Amendment gave black Americans citizenship and civil rights. A Military Reconstruction Act was passed to make sure African-Americans' new rights were protected. Black churches were founded. Public schools were built for black children, and universities like Howard, Fisk, Morehouse, and Hampton were founded for black students seeking higher education.Sixteen African-Americans were elected to Congress and numerous others served at state and local levels. Finally, the 15th Amend ment was ratified making it illegal to deny someone the right to vote based on race. Indeed, real progress was made. However, in the early 1870s, the tide shifted. Southern states began to elect governments dedicated to whites-only rule. Between 1870 and 1876 all but three Southern states turned back Reconstruction efforts. When Rutherford B. Hayes agreed to remove federal soldiers, he was simply putting an end to an already dying effort.But dying or dead, what had gone wrong? Your job is to read the documents that follow and answer the question: North or South: Who killed Reconstruction? 1. Why was 1876 an important year for America? 2. Who ran for President in 1876? What were their political parties? 3. An â€Å"irony† is something you don't expect, something that doesn't seem to fit. What was the irony of history that occurred in 1876? 4. What was the Compromise of 1877? Who got what? 5. Describe each of the following Amendments to the Constitution. a. 13th Amendment: b. 1 4th Amendment: . 15th Amendment: Document A Source: In the years following the Civil War – throughout the South -state, city, and town governments passed laws to restrict the rights of free African-American men and women. These laws were often called â€Å"Black Codes. † The example below of â€Å"Black Codes† comes from laws passed in Opelousas, Louisiana immediately after the Civil War. ————————————————- 1. â€Å"No negro or freedmen shall be allowed to come within the limits of the town of Opelousas without special permission from his employers.Whoever breaks this law will go to jail and work for two days on the public streets, or pay a fine of five dollars. † ————————————————- —————— Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- 2. â€Å"No negro or freedman shall be permitted to rent or keep a house in town under any circumstances. No negro or freedman shall live within the town who does not work for some white person or former owner. † ————————————————- ————————————————- 3. No public meetings of negroes or freedmen shall be allowed within the town. † ————————————————- ————————————————- 4. â€Å"No freedman shall be allowed to carry firearms, or any kind of weapons. No freedman s hall sell or exchange any article of merchandise within the limits of Opelousas without permission in writing from his employer. † ————————————————- ————————————————- 5. â€Å"Every negro is to be in the service of (work for) some white person, or former owner. Document Analysis How did black codes restrict the freedom of freedmen? Document B Document Analysis Based on the document above and your knowledge of U. S. history, what was the real end result of sharecropping? Document C Source: Albion Tourgee, Letter on Ku Klux Klan Activities. New York Tribune, May 1870. Note: Tourgee was a white, Northern soldier who settled in North Carolina after the War. He served as a judge during Reconstruction and wrote this letter to the North Carolina Republican Senato r, Joseph Carter Abbott. ————————————————- ———————————————— It is my mournful duty to inform you that our friend John W. Stephens, State Senator from Caswell, is dead. He was foully murdered by the Ku-Klux in the Grand Jury room of the Court House on Saturday†¦ He was stabbed five or six times, and then hanged on a hook in the Grand Jury room†¦ Another brave, honest Republican citizen has met his fate at the hands of these fiends†¦ ————————————————- I have very little doubt that I shall be one of the next victims. My steps ave been dogged for months, and only a good opportunity has been wanting to secure to me the fate which Stephens has just met†¦ I say to you plainly that any member of Congress who, especially if from the South, does not support, advocate, and urge immediate, active, and thorough measures to put an end to these outrages†¦is a coward, a traitor, or a fool. ————————————————- Source: Independent Monitor, September 1, 1868. Document Analysis What group(s) is the KKK threatening? According to Tourgee, what types of people are being attacked by the KKK?Why would the KKK attack these people? How do these documents help answer the DBQ question? Document C Source: Abram Colby, testimony to a joint House and Senate Committee in 1872. Note: Colby was a former slave who was elected to the Georgia State legislature during Reconstruction. ————————————————- Colby: On the 29th of Oct ober 1869, [the Klansmen] broke my door open, took me out of bed, took me to the woods and whipped me three hours or more and left me for dead. They said to me, â€Å"Do you think you will ever vote another damned Radical ticket? I said, â€Å"If there was an election tomorrow, I would vote the Radical ticket. † They set in and whipped me a thousand licks more, with sticks and straps that had buckles on the ends of them. ————————————————- ————————————————- Question: What is the character of those men who were engaged in whipping you? ————————————————- ——————————— Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Colby: Some are first-class men in our town. One is a lawyer, one a doctor, and some are farmers†¦ They said I had voted for Grant and had carried the Negroes against them.About two days before they whipped me they offered me $5,000 to go with them and said they would pay me $2,500 in cash if I would let another man go to the legislature in my place. I told them that I would not do it if they would give me all the county was worth†¦ No man can make a free speech in my county. I do not believe it can be done anywhere in Georgia. Source: Harper’s Weekly, October 21, 1876. Caption: â€Å"Of Course he wants to vote the Democratic ticket. † Document Analysis Why did the KKK attack Abram Colby? According to Colby, what types of people make up the KKK? What seems to be the ultimate goal of the KKK?What is the main idea of the cartoon? Document D Source: Gerald Danzer et al. , The Americans, McDougall Littell, 1998. —— ——————————————- †¦ in the 1870s, Northern voters grew indifferent to events in the South. Weary of the ‘Negro Question' and ‘sick of carpet-bag' government, many Northern voters shifted their attention to such national concerns as the Panic of 1873 and corruption in Grant's administration†¦. Although political violence continued in the South†¦ the tide of public opinion in the North began to turn against Reconstruction policies.Source: Kenneth Stampp, The Era of Reconstruction, 1865-1877, Vintage, 1967. ————————————————- Meanwhile southern Democrats gained strength when Congress finally removed the political disabilities from most of the prewar leadership. In May 1872, because of pressure from the Liberal Republican, Congress passed a general amnesty act which restored the right of office holding [and voting] to the vast majority of those who had been disqualified†¦After the passage of this act only a few hundred ex-Confederates remained unpardoned. Document AnalysisExplain the phrases â€Å"weary of the ‘Negro Question’† and â€Å"‘sick of carpet-bag’ government. † Why might increased anger about the corruption in government lead to less interest in government attempts to reconstruct the South? How did the restoration of voting rights to white Southerners undermine efforts to preserve and protect the voting rights of the freedmen? Document E Source: Heather Cox Richardson, The Death of Reconstruction: Race, Labor and Politics in the Post-Civil War North, 1865-1901. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2001. ————————————————-In the fall of 1873, even the stau nchly (firmly) pro-Grant and pro-freedman Boston Evening Transcript ran a letter †¦ arguing that â€Å"the blacks, as a people, are unfitted for the proper exercise of political duties†¦. The rising generation of †¦ blacks needed a period of probation and instruction; a period †¦ long enough for the black to have forgotten something of his condition as a slave and learned much of the true method of gaining honorable subsistence and of performing the duties of any position to which he might aspire. Northern artist’s portrayal of the South Carolina State Legislature during Reconstruction.Source: The Cover of Harper’s Weekly, March 14, 1874 Document Analysis According to the letter from the Boston Evening Transcript, why did some people believe blacks were unfit to be government officials? How does this letter show racism existed in the North? How do this cartoon & letter help explain why Northerners lost interest in Reconstruction? How does the image above depict black politicians in the South? Document F Document Analysis How was it possible that Hayes â€Å"won† the election of 1876? How did this disputed election lead to the end of Reconstruction?

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Causes of WW1 Essay

If Franz Ferdinand hadn’t been killed, World War One would not have happened’ This essay will be discussing the question ‘If Franz Ferdinand hadn’t been killed, World War One would not have happened’. History points out many causes of the First World War, history sources both primary and secondary are split on the idea that the killing of Franz Ferdinand was the most important cause. In, this essay therefore the causes of the First World War will be looked at and a conclusion will be drawn up whether in essence the killing of Franz Ferdinand started the war. On June 28, 1914, Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the presumed heir to the Austrian and Hungarian crowns, was assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia, by a Serbian patriot. The leaders of Austria-Hungary were sure the Serbian government and ultimately the Russians were responsible. Austria-Hungary prepared for war, and this time the Germans were willing to support them. On July 28, 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. What made this war perhaps an international war were the alliances made prior to it. The Triple Alliance of 1882, the most famous of the triple alliances, was by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. The terms for this alliance were laid in 1879, when the German chancellor Prince Otto von Bismarck negotiated a secret defensive pact with Austria-Hungary, in case of war. A counter force was organized Triple Entente, this was alliance that developed between Britain, France, and Russia in the late 19th and early 20th century. It was designed to counter the military coalition known as the Triple Alliance. The French government approached Russia, and in the late 1880s a Franco-Russian military pact was concluded in January 1894, and in 1895 the conclusion of an alliance was publicly acknowledged. However a few years into the war Italy swapped sides and became part of the Triple Entente. These two alliances may not seem to be relevant to war, however looking from sources from primary sources from inside Germany, it is clear to see the formation of the Triple Entente angered the Germans. As far back history records people have gone to war for money, power and land and here it is no different. Here, the Triple Alliance thought it was an excellent excuse to go to war, beat the Triple Entente, and seize control of their military and land. This could be categorized under the broad category of imperialism (the belief of building and expanding an empire).However a interesting comparison can be made to a controversial theory about the 9/11 bombings. This theory surfaced in History journal ‘Modern History’, says that a secret organization in Austria paid Princip, to kill Ferdinand and under this pretence, blame Serbia and go to war with them. This theory hasn’t been accepted much, however as the journal very rightly says ‘History uncovers more and more, until what is that to be truths turn into gross misconceptions.’ Overall after looking at the causes of the First World War, a conclusion can be drawn up that because of the growing enmity between Serbia and the Austro-Hungary empire, a war would have happened, and the killing of Franz Ferdinand was a mere excuse or a pretence to go to war, the question still remains whether this would have been a World War. The answer would be yes, if Franz Ferdinand had not died and there had been a war but a little later on, other countries would have still got involved, because of the alliances formed earlier on. However, famous history magazine, ‘History and theory’ said in a few years ago in a publication, that if Franz Ferdinand had not been killed the war would have started, but because the Triple Entente was a very wooly and loose alliance, England and potentially France would not have got involved. What is certain however that there would have been a war, the scale of which remains to be seen. Alas, World War I in all of its horror was a matter of choice, not fate.

Monday, July 29, 2019

About Wine Essay Example for Free

About Wine Essay ? What is wine? It is one of the most sensual and tasteful drinks you have ever drunk. It has been over hundreds of years and till today, wine has never disappointed our mouth feels. The most important of selling wines are the packaging, because the value packaging as a marketing tool. But how many companies know how to put up their wines into markets, and who know that packaging is the first step to extract customer. In this century, a lot of people have problem to choose a bottle for dinner or for any occasion, the mainly is too many bottle of wines for them to choose from and some of the wines label are not too clear to read and it might be a problem for customer. So means that wines marketing as wines packaging as label are so important to target customer. Nowadays most wines are sold in glass bottle and are sealed using corks as the packaging. Most the wines producers have been using alternative closures such as plastic corks, screw caps and tap. The mainly is because of the costs of produces and also to prevent cork taint. In this day, some of the wines are packaged in thick and heavy plastic bags with cardboards boxes cover as label. The wines are normally connected with tap on the side of the box, the box wine can stay up to one week after opening or less, it depends how much oxidized has been mixed in. This is another newest packaging in wines in the world, so that it also extracts some new people to buy it. But the important are the wines label, have to descript clearly and bit more extractive to the customer. About Wine. (2017, Mar 17).

Describe and explain strategic and short-term planning processes and Assignment

Describe and explain strategic and short-term planning processes and their importance in management. Identify and discuss various types of financial accounting and control methods - Assignment Example There are two strategies that are going to be used in this discussion. The first of the two is a strategy that was aimed at raising capital amounting to raise $1.5 million from a certain investor. The business strategy was developed by the Manufacturing and Marketing Beverage Appliances, Inc. (2MBA, Inc.). Manufacturing and Marketing Beverage Appliances, Inc. (2MBA, Inc.) has the dedication to developing an innovative beverage equipment that will be used by major food brands. The company is run by a team of four managers who own 60% of the company’s equity and have two of the bard positions. They are supported by a shareholder by the name Brian Pelerman who own 10% equity and is a member of the board. The strategy suggests that the investor will be given two seats on the board. The strategy also advocates for the appointment of an independent chairman. The full implementation of the strategy will lead to the introduction of two new products to the market. One of the products that are supposed to be introduced is known as La Barista. La Barista is an espresso machine that will enable brewers to produce high quality coffee. It is so fast that is manages to do that in just four seconds. It produces coffee from soluble coffee powder. La Barista is a single boiler with the capability of producing both water and steam. This innovation will eliminate the need for a barista. It also requires low maintenance. The other product that will definitely be introduced if this strategy is successful is known as a Mobile Vending Unit (MVU) which is a retailing cart with high portability, ease of operation, and durability. This will enable the delivery at customer’s convenience. It is also cheaper and more secure as compared to the traditional ones. The company has a contract with expecting them to supply 2,300 MVU and La Baristas in the next five years. The

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Problem of Obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Problem of Obesity - Essay Example Hilde Bruch says that the claim that obesity runs in the family is one that researchers think may a basis in fact. There would be distinct patterns in behavior that would be handed down from generation to generation as family traditions; such as the preparation of food and eating behaviors. In fact, Bruch points out, if a child comes from a family with two obese parents, a seventy percent incidence in obesity is found among the offspring. Indicating that eating behavior is also a family behavior. Although Bruch is quick to point out that â€Å"Such studies are based on the often unreliable statements of patients, and the ability to record the potentially obese and the actually obese phenotypes makes interpretation of their significance even more difficult..† That was in 1973; today we have more extensive research and testing and even genetic tracking information that builds on what Bruch has posited and demonstrate that in some cases – certainly not all – that ob esity is in fact an inherited trait. In 1998, Robert Pool writes, researchers in Europe conducting tests on obesity found that with regard to a certain patients, and study of the family, a DNA mutation existed that prevented the brain from detecting leptin, a condition associated with diabetes, which is a hereditary condition; that sent the message to the patient’s brain that the patient’s body was starving. â€Å"Thus, in both humans and mice the diabetes mutation produces an obesity almost identical to that produced in the obese mutation. However, it has also been determined that each time the aforementioned appears it has been in â€Å"highly inbred families.† The pattern of first cousins intermarrying is a common one in many developing nations.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Levi Strauss & Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Levi Strauss & Company - Case Study Example This approach is not static by nature and its frameworks usually comprise of feedback loop so as to evaluate or monitor performance. In this particular study different strategic frameworks shall be included and applied on Levi Strauss & Company. This brand is known to be number one amongst cloth manufacturing company. The company was founded by Levi Strauss in 1853. Over the years, Levi Strauss & Company has brought forth certain changes as per changing market trends. It markets and manufactures non-work and casual work sportswear and jeans. Their products have been able to achieve high levels of customer satisfaction and are presently known for greater degree of comfort. In earlier years Levi’s jeans was considered to be a staple product for every teenager. The company in the present scenario has lost its close connection with customer’s hidden demand. There has been continuous struggle from company’s perspective in context of achieving right combination of stra tegies. Current mission statement of the firm will be analyzed along with some proposed recommendations. There are certain theoretical frameworks included in this study like CPM, EFE, IFE, Space Matrix, Grand Strategy Matrix and QSPM. All these models will be evaluated with respect to widespread operations performed by Levi Strauss Company. The company is externally surrounded by many competitors who have retained their brand image from past many years. In this case the major strategic challenge for the firm is to reformulate their brand image and sustain it for many years. It is indeed a challenge to keep blue jeans within their famous jeans sector. There would be four major aspects of the firm which shall be monitored like marketing, production, financial position and company culture. In overall context the firm has to adopt market oriented approach so as to remain competitive in the market place. Levi Strauss & Company was initially founded in 1853 and later in 1860 the famous Levi’s

Friday, July 26, 2019

PEST Analysis of Aviva PLC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

PEST Analysis of Aviva PLC - Essay Example Aviva Plc is the sixth largest insurance group in the entire world. It has a huge customer base of 44.5 million, and provides its clients with insurance products and various savings and investment schemes. The major part of the firm’s business comes from Europe where it is one of the pioneering life and general insurance companies. Aviva has developed an elaborate distribution network in the European market to serve over 18 million customers in the continent. The European Union is the world’s largest market for life insurance and pension products and Aviva Plc has harnessed this opportunity to gain a strong foothold over there. The company also happens to be the largest insurance provider in the United Kingdom (Aviva, 2011). Aviva specializes in providing life insurance, general insurance and various pension schemes to its customers. In Europe, it is a leading provider of various life insurance, general insurance and health insurance products. In recent years, the compa ny has rationalized its product offerings in this market and is attempting to merge all its business in the continent under a single head. In 2010, Aviva has identified significant opportunities in the European pension market. The 27 European Union countries including Russian and Turkey had an annual gap between pension and savings of about â‚ ¬ 2.4 trillion. ... Customers can purchase these products either directly from Aviva, from any of its corporate partners or from any of its intermediary firms. In 2010, Aviva’s life insurance and general insurance business reported a strong performance in the UK market. The sales of its life insurance products increased by 19 per cent from the previous year to ?11,846 million. This resulted in a record level of operating profits of about ? 850 million, which was 26 per cent higher than the corresponding 2009 figures. In the general insurance business, Aviva UK witnessed an increase in its sales during each succeeding quarter of 2010. The profits in this sector reported an annual increase of 8 per cent to â‚ ¬ 579 million. Aviva UK, also merged many of its life insurance and general insurance schemes together to provide the customers with innovative products during the year 2010. (Business Summary, 2011) The main share of revenues of Aviva plc is derived from its life and general insurance busi ness and its asset management services. The European Union especially UK comprises the world’s largest markets for life insurance and pension services. Aviva has harnessed this opportunity to emerge as the largest insurance company in UK and the second largest provider in Europe. The company has devised its insurance schemes in such a way so as to simultaneously cater to the interests of the customers and the firm itself. In 2010, UK’s insurance intermediary organizations voted Aviva as the region’s leading provider of life, general and health insurance policies. The firm has also directed its efforts in expanding its main business activities in the North American countries – USA and Canada. The firm has tried to leverage the advantages of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Effective leadership and its impact on organization performance Research Paper - 1

Effective leadership and its impact on organization performance - Research Paper Example An effective leader should be aware when to act and when not to act. An effective leader should have good knowledge as it gives the leaders the ability to evaluate the causes and outcomes of their actions. For the existence of an effective leadership, a leader has to acquire from a mentor who can inculcate values that outshine the leader himself. If no guides or mentors are available, a leader can learn the direction and meaning through intercession. Further, an effective leader will have a real good faith for the common good of their subordinates or followers. An effective leader is not only advising his followers or subordinates to follow some path but also will be ready to learn things that require to be inculcated. During their communication process, effective leaders will always communicate with fairness and will exhibit respect to others. An effective leader will always exhibit as an example to other by adhering politeness, gentleness, calmness and quietness. Following these qu alities will make them as effective observers, spectators and thinkers. An effective leader will involve in meaning, thinking and careful observations. An effective leader will have the right virtue for the desired goals and vision of their organizations. Leaders should strive hard without any expectations for the outcomes since the results of effective leadership should derive advantage from the organizations and people instead of the leaders itself. Effective leaders will involve themselves in sattvic charity with a real sense of offering without any anticipating anything in return (Avolio & Gardner 2005, p.320). This thesis will analyze how â€Å"effective leadership contributes towards the achievement of organization success and improvement in the performance level of an organization†. Leadership connotes many characteristics and variables influencing the manner in which it is evaluated so as to be regarded to be effective. Leadership connotes intellectual drive,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Martin L. King and Malcolm X Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Martin L. King and Malcolm X - Essay Example His family was also tormented by the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist group, which means that Malcolm’s views expressed his direct opinion on the issues that the black community in America faced (â€Å"Malcolm X†). This is as opposed to Martin Luther, who was from a relatively well-off family, and community, which means that his opinions were only those that the society around him faced, rather than his own since he lived a sheltered life in learning and religious institutions. In light of the events that Malcolm X went through, his opinions in fighting the rights of black Americans were aimed at restoring human dignity to the lack society due to racial discrimination that he and members of his community faced. This translates to Malcolm X calling for the recognition of blacks as being human and as part of the American society and world at large. On the other hand, Martin Luther in the civil rights movement advocated for integration of the black community into the whit e dominated society (DeYoung 2). This is because; Martin Luther was raised and lived in a community that had blacks and whites integrated, which means, to him, that blacks were not dehumanized as was the case of Malcolm X. In addition, Malcolm X held a strong policy of fighting against all forms of discrimination against blacks. This included going against his seniors in violating a non-engagement policy with all that opposed the fight for black rights and freedom. In this light, he called for the achievement of black rights and freedoms through any means necessary that included violence for the good of the black society in America. This was the case due to his religious affiliations that the blacks in the country held little respect for due to the disparity between their claims and actions. Malcolm’s religion talked tough against all forms of racial discrimination but he was backed by little action, if any, to end the era of discrimination and racial injustice. The above is as opposed to the principles that Martin Luther applied in his appeal for equal rights for both blacks and whites in the movement for civil rights. Martin Luther called for peaceful demonstration in demanding equal rights for both blacks and whites with a policy against non-engagement with the authorities who opposed equality and were pro-discrimination. For this reason, the followers of Martin Luther did not have to be scared, as that which they called for was their right by right of the oppression that they had gone through for a long time. Instead, his resistance was in the form of non-cooperation and civil disobedience, which was aimed at the public and the government in order to secure compliance with their demands. There were also religious differences in opinion relating to the civil rights movement. In this regard, Malcolm X following his Muslim religious affiliation led the movement for black empowerment. It is from this that Malcolm used his religion as a measuring stick f or integration of all races in being equal following his trip to Mecca. As a result, Malcolm X viewed Islam as the means by which all racial problems in America and the world could be overcome (Parker 5). This was following his religious background as a Christian as he was a member of an African American church, Ebenezer Baptist Church

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Intro letter to my teacher Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Intro letter to my teacher - Essay Example For example, using sophisticated jargons to a layman to describe something would not be very effective communication. Or, using a colloquial tone while writing to someone who deserves more respect is hardly the best idea. First writing often needs a revision. I think while we are writing, we are simultaneously thinking ahead for the next word, line or paragraph. More often than not, this can easily lead to silly errors. This is where revising comes in handy. Also, it helps in properly structuring the written work. I think one improves better if one knows what to work on. Self-reflection can bring in some ideas, but the best feedback is one that comes from the general public. I would greatly appreciate constructive criticism of my writing style and look forward to improving upon it. The professionals in finance are engaged in several different activities. Some are bankers, some handle corporate finance for large and small companies, some are asset managers, and some specialize in advisory business and so

Macbeth Essay Essay Example for Free

Macbeth Essay Essay This puts Macbeth at a loss for words , they then look at banquo and tell him his sons will be king someday aswell but not him. â€Å"All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis/ All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor/ All hail, Macbeth, Thou shalt be king hereafter! † (1. 3. 50-53). This is the first set of prophecies the witches made and the start to Macbeth’s downfall. What the witches done to Macbeth with these prophecies to make him commence his downfall was they filled his head with these positive flattering things that made him want to go to extreme measures just to become what the witches proclaimed would happen. Proof that this first set of prophecies commenced his downfall is once king Duncan had named malcom to be king apposed to Macbeth, Macbeth then considered the idea that he should murder Duncan to become king. The second set of prophecies given to Macbeth appeared as apparitions by the three witches and each apparition gave Macbeth a different prophecy. The first prophecy is an armed head which tells Macbeth to beware of Macduff â€Å" Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff. Beware the thane of Fife. Dismiss me. Enough. † (4. 1. 74-75). The second apparition appeared as a bloody child who tells Macbeth the only person who can harm him is a man not born of a woman. â€Å" Be bloody, bold, and resolute. Laugh to scorn/The power of man, for none of woman born/Shall harm Macbeth. † (4. 1. 81-83). The final apparition summoned by the witches was a crowned child holding a tree that states Macbeth will not be killed until the woods of birnam are at Dunsinane Hill. Be lion-me ttled, proud, and take no care/Who chafes, who frets, or where conspirers are. /Macbeth shall never vanquished be until/Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill/Shall come against him. † (4. 1. 94-98). These summons created by the witches are a big part in Macbeth’s downfall because they gave him more confidence that he would not be killed. Macbeth believed that these prophecies were ridiculous and that it was impossible for him to happen although he did not think them through because all of these prophecies came true in the end. Although the witches gave Macbeth these prophecies making him over confident and giving him the idea to kill Duncan they are not the only ones to blame, Macbeth’s wife Lady Macbeth also played a big role in the downfall of Macbeth by persuading Macbeth to kill King Duncan. She did this by telling him that if the witches prophecies were to come true and he were to become king he must kill those who stood in the way. She then proceeds to question his manhood and makes him feel guilty for her when she says she would kill her own child if she had promised it to her beloved to do it. What beast was ’t, then, That made you break this enterprise to me? When you durst do it, then you were a man; And to be more than what you were, you would Be so much more the man. Nor time nor place Did then adhere, and yet you would make both. They have made themselves, and that their fitness now Does unmake you. I have given suck, and know How tender ’tis to love the babe that milks me . I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums And dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you Have done to this. † (1. 7. 47-59). Lady Macbeth was fully capable of killing the king herself, she had made a good plot to kill him but she never killed him herself because she claimed King Duncan reminded her of her father. â€Å"Had he not resembled/My father as he slept, I had done ’t. † (2. 2. 12-13). If Lady Macbeth would have performed the murder herself Macbeth would not have been driven mad. After Macbeth killed King Duncan the guilt he felt was taking over his mind, saying that there was blood on his hands that would not come off. Lady Macbeth could maybe have comforted him in this time of need but instead she called him mad nd put him down. Although both the witches and Lady Macbeth were contributors to Macbeth’s death they cannot take all the blame for Macbeths death, Macbeth himself plays a big role in the his tragic death. Macbeth knew killing King Duncan was wrong he was always loyal to the king and Duncan trusted Macbeth greatly but he let the witches get into his head and let their prophecies corrupt his mind without no proof saying he had to kill Duncan to become king. Although Lady Macbeth gave him guilt and questioned his manliness he could have told her no he could have told her no and went with what he knew was best. Macbeth’s ambition to hold his spot on the throne was another good reason as to why he died, after killing Duncan Macbeth decided that he should also kill Banquo because Macbeth thought Banquo would suspect him after the prophecies the witches made. This was a mistake by Macbeth because this only made Macbeth more aggressive and his desire to kill stronger. The main mistake Macbeth made was the faith he had towards the prophecies made by the witches, he felt he was invincible. Even once the prophecy about the Birnam Woods reached the castle he belived he could not be killed by anyone because he thought all men were born of a woman. â€Å"Fear not, till Birnam wood/Do come to/Dunsinane†; and now a wood/Comes toward Dunsinane. ’(5. 5. 43-45) â€Å"Thou wast born of woman. /But swords I smile at, weapons laugh to scorn,/Brandished by man that’s of a woman born. (5. 7. 13-15). This confidence followed Macbeth right to his fight against Macduff, once he began to fight with macduff we learn that macduff was actually ripped out of his mothers stomach and not born from the womb making him not born bt a woman. â€Å"Despair thy charm,/And let the angel whom thou still hast served/Tell thee,/Macduff was from his mother’s womb/Untimely ripped. (5. 8. 13-17). Macbeth then accepted his fate and fought Macduff and lost his life. Although there was multiple factors that led to Macbeths demise such as evil witches and a power hungry wife the one who played the biggest role in his death was Macbeth himself. Even though all of the witches prophecies came true there no proof saying they were destined to come true but only that Macbeth caused these prophecies to be true. If Macbeth would have did what he knew was right he would have saved the lives of a lot of people including the wife he loved so dearly.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Operation Management Case Studies Essay Example for Free

Operation Management Case Studies Essay Operation Management Case Studies Intoduction Case study on Salmon processing facility Question 1 E= $ 6,333.33 Therefore, the additional expenditure for the productivity of the two systems to equal will be $ 6, 333.33 Question 4                   If the cost of energy increases in future, the productivity of facility will be affected negatively and it will decrease. If the cost of the energy increases beyond the estimated additional expenditure of $ 6,333.33, the productivity of the new facility will be much lower than that of the old system and therefore, it will not be advantage to the firm. This will also affect reduce the profitability of the company. Case 2 on Hard Rock Cafe Question 1                   The Hard Rock strategic changes that it has experienced include globalization and changes in its brand through unique services that include rock music. The music has led to the growth of this company. It has managed to open 157 cafe facilities in more than 57 countries. The cafe has also diversified brands to fish and lobsters in Britain. Moreover, it has started shifting its target market from tourists to non tourists’ cities in United Kingdom in addition to leasing cafes in tourism cites such as Nottingham (Heizer, Render, 2013). Question 2                   Hard Rock has various PRODUCTS that vary from Hamburger, beef, and other tourism attracting meal. The cafe is has also diversified its products to fish and lobsters thus widening its market and meeting the needs of the customer.                   Hard rock cafe moved its LOCATION from domestic market to global market. In addition, it has started opening in new non tourisms LOCATIONS such as Manchester united to prevent risks associated with economic fluctuations that arise from tourism business poor performance.                   Hard rock HUMAN RESOURCE has participated in developing new strategies that has helped to improve the performance the business. For example, the introduction of sound and visuals in dinner events that attract more customers and recruitment of highly trained employees that provides quality services.                   The Hard Rock has improved its  SERVICE by adding unique services that cannot be found in any other place in the world such as music on both quality visual and sounds. They serve food with enthusiasm on their customers (Heizer, Render, 2013). Question 3 -123825158750Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Standardization Less rapid product changes more minor changes Optimum capacity Increasing stability of process Long production runs Product improvement and cost cutting Little product differentiation Cost minimization Overcapacity in the industry Prune line to eliminate items not returning good margin Reduce capacity Forecasting critical Product and process reliability Competitive product improvements and options Increase capacity Shift toward product focused Enhance distribution Product design and development critical Frequent product and process design changes Short production runs High production costs Limited models Attention to quality Best period to increase market share RD product engineering critical Practical to change price or quality image Strengthen niche Cost control critical Poor time to change image, price, or quality Competitive costs become critical Defend market position OM Strategy/Issues Company Strategy/Issues HDTV CD-ROM Color copiers Drive-thru restaurants Fax machines Station wagons Sales 3 1/2† Floppy disks Internet 00Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Standardization Less rapid product changes more minor changes Optimum capacity Increasing stability of process Long production runs Product improvement and cost cutting Little product differentiation Cost minimization Overcapacity in the industry Prune line to eliminate items not returning good margin Reduce capacity Forecasting critical Product and process reliability Competitive product improvements and options Increase capacity Shift toward product focused Enhance distribution Product design and development critical Frequent product and process design changes Short production runs High production costs Limited models Attention to quality Best period to increase market share RD product engineering critical Practical to change price or quality image Strengthen niche Cost control critical Poor time to change image, price, or quality Competitive costs become critical Defend market position OM Strategy/Issues Company Strategy/Issues HDTV CD-ROM Color copiers Drive-thru restaurants Fax machines Station wagons Sales 3 1/2† Floppy disks Internet                   The company is still in the growth stage but approaching maturity. This is from the fact that Hard Rock is trying to change its products from beef and Hamburger to lobster and fish, it can be noted that it is trying to improve its products in order to increase its competitiveness. The company is still forecasting on its future market where it want to change from tourists-dependent market to non-tourism dependent market (Heizer, Render, 2013). The cafe has products that are reliable with little improvement. Reference Heizer, J., Render, B. (2013). Principles of operation ,management: Sustainability and supply chain management. Pearson Source document

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Risk Factor Risk Based Prevention To Young Offending Criminology Essay

Risk Factor Risk Based Prevention To Young Offending Criminology Essay Risk factors which are used by developmental criminology, are those characteristics such as a large family, experience of abuse and having criminal parents whereby longitudinal and quantitative research shows that will present negative outcomes such as future offending and the more likelihood of offending. There has been research into youth offending which shows that there is a range of identifiable risk factors which are present in the lives of many children and young people. There are a number of risk factors which is said to increase the youths likelihood of being involved with criminal or anti-social behaviour, Family, individual, environmental. These risk factors have many agencies within them. The basic idea of risk-based prevention is simple. It is to identify the key risk factors for offending and implementing prevention methods planned to counteract them. Through effective sharing of information it provides the prospect for the early identification of those children and youn g people most at risk. In this essay risk factors and risk based prevention approaches will be outlined and critically assessed as approaches to young offending, firstly in the essay explaining and analysing risk factor approaches to youth offending by looking at the main foundation of risk factors and risk management by looking at the ideas of the approaches. Then Reliability of risk factors as a way to tackle delinquency to reduce prevention of reoffending will be looked at. The essay will also analyse techniques for risk based prevention methods and understanding the reasoning behind it. Lastly the essay will assess the effectiveness and efficiency to see if risk based prevention approaches have made a difference to youth offending. It is often wondered as to what triggers the youth to offend at such an early age. There are risk factors that are said to be predictors of delinquency. Risk factors come from the principles of Developmental Criminology. This criminology ideology is concerned with three key issues that are the developing of offending and antisocial behaviour, risk factors that focus on different ages, and the effects of events that have happened in life on the course of development. Developmental criminology thus tries to attempt to identify non-criminal behaviour which leads to criminal behaviour and to avoid them from happening at an early age with risk based prevention techniques. Offending is often part of a big syndrome of antisocial behaviour that arises in childhood and tends to continue into adulthood (West and Farrington, 1977). Risk factors and risk management had become important and had been highlighted in the 1980s. The public of the US wanted more accountability and rationality in the policies of the justice system. So that is when a new system of actuarialism had emerged. Jonathan Simon was first to notice actuarial assessments. The old society which was based around punishment of an individual in order to correct society was then challenged by a new risk society whereby its target was to find the risky population by using scientific calculations. These populations were controlled with minimum welfare support because they were targeted (Source: Muncie Pg.22) Risk analysing has become very common since the 1990s as interest in preventing crime research has grown rapidly. The approach which suggested that offending is part of the continuum of anti social behaviour which starts at childhood then persists to adulthood and which is then reproduced in generations is the criminal career approach. A project was investigated on why delinquency begins and to see if criminality can be predicted. The project was an ongoing Cambridge study in delinquent development. A group of working-class boys that were aged 8 were selected, twelve from ethnic minorities. They were contacted again at different ages in their life from 10 up until 48 to see which of those boys had developed a delinquent life and why some continued the life of crime when they came to adulthood. It was found that a fifth of the participants that had been selected had in fact committed an offence and had been convicted as a juvenile. Some of them had shared characteristics which were si milar, for example they were troublesome, impulsive etc. and had a tendency to come from families that were poor or large and that had parents who had been convicted. Farrington maintained that longitude research and recognized that the risk prevention paradigm had global implication and strong practical application. (Source: Muncie 2009 Pg.26) Based on all this information Farrington had identified family, individual and environmental predictors to future criminal behaviour. Among the family factors that are most important are criminal or antisocial parents, Criminal offences may run in the family and is shown that a high percentage of youth offenders had convicted members within the family. This may be due to the youth seeing that criminality is in the norm and therefore feel it is ok to offend. Children that come from criminal families often have an anti authority attitude and so therefore believe that offending is acceptable. Also large family size is an important family factor to delinquency, it was researched in the Cambridge study that if a boy had four or more siblings by the time he was 10 he doubled the risk of being a juvenile. There are many reasons why having a large family may make a youth turn to criminality. Parental attention decreases when the number of children increase in the family, therefore making the household more overcrowded which can then lead to conflict and frustration. There are many different types of child rearing methods which may lead to delinquency. There have been studies to show that parents that dont know what their children get up to i.e. not knowing where they are when they are out, and parents that allow their children to be out roaming the streets whilst unsupervised at an early age, tend to end up having delinquent children. Important individual factors were low intelligence, Having low intelligence and bad performance in school is a predictable reason for offending. There is a link between low intelligence and crime and it is associated with a poor ability to manipulate concepts to understand the feelings of victims. Empathy and impulsiveness are key factors which are personality traits that predict whether youth will become delinquent. Farrington took particular attention to this as he recognized them to be significant emotions in delinquency. Someone who l acks in empathy wont care about other peoples feelings and will have selfish attitudes, also like those who are more impulsive wont think about what their actions may have caused in the future. The important factors within environmental factors are peer pressure, Delinquents usually have delinquent friends therefore sometimes may be a result of peer pressure. As a youth they could be easily manipulated and convinced into participating in anti social behaviour, Drinking, smoking, drug abuse etc. There are many more risk factors however these factors just mentioned are most common and they are easily identified. (Source: Farrington 2007) There is sometimes a misunderstanding of risk factors as they may be seen as scientific facts and the real cause of crimes, However they should not be mistaken as they are merely a prediction of what may make youths offend in the future. However it does give an insight as to what areas need to be looked at in order to reduce crimes. The idea of risk factor approaches is that it generalises those individuals who are considered to fall into the risky category and those who are more likely to become offenders in the future. Risk factors surely cant be easily generalised, as the UK is a diverse nation, and it cannot be assumed that everyone lives in a similar community with the same customs. Risk factors fail to explain the variables of culture and context fully. What if there were different circumstances for example a child from a large wealthy family does this make the youth at risk of future delinquency? However this contradicts with the fact that children from poor families tend to t urn to delinquency. So are risk factors a reliable tool to tackle delinquency and reduce crime? it can be seen as a reliable tool however risk factors after all are just risks, so technically it doesnt mean its a certain reason as to why crime happens, it does on the other hand show which areas need to be focussed on and what needs to be done in order to help prevent future crimes. The idea of risk-based prevention is to identify the main risk factors for offending and to implement prevention methods planned to work against them. Risk-focussed prevention first came from medicine which was later imported into criminology from medicine and public health by Hawkins and Catalano (1992). There are many methods of crime prevention through early intervention. Visits from health professionals to give advice on things such as infant development, nutrition, alcohol and drugs so this reduces child abuse from parents. Intellectual enrichment programmes in nurseries which will stimulate reasoning and thinking skills for young children, parenting education programmes, cognitive and social skills training to teach children the consequences of their actions in terms of behaviour, there are many other risk based prevention methods but these are the common approaches used to help prevent and reduce crimes. It is easy to point out the risk factors and predicting the root causes of a youth being delinquent so therefore preventing youth crime can be done, however it is not easily done and may not be the case. There are many of the factors which are interconnected and there are problems with trying to spot which variables are independent and which variables are dependant. It is a crucial point when analysing risk factor evidence, because distorted results may produce false conclusions and focussing on risk factors which may not be necessarily needed. A huge problem of risk-focussed prevention is to figure out which risk factors are causes and which are simply markers or correlated with causes (Farrington, 2000).   A key problem with the risk factor prevention paradigm that its presentation of specified individualised risks as though they compromise uncontroversial facts, truths and scientific realities. The research within risk factors shows some correlations with statistical records of offending and so therefore shouldnt be confused with having discovered the causes of such offending. Risks may be pointed out and may try and be prevented however some youths may be punished for crimes they may have never committed and there is a chance that they may end up offending in the end due to interventions and as a retaliation, so therefore risk prevention management end up becoming a risk itself. So are risk based prevention approaches efficient and effective and have they made a difference to youth offending? The youth crime action plan is a comprehensive, analysis made by the government as to what they are going to do to tackle youth crime (Source: The government are aware of the risks and have been trying to prevent them. i.e. the risk based prevention methods mentioned earlier. However there is a problem with this. Individuals and families are being targeted purely on the basis that they are risky candidates and therefore being punished for crimes which they have not even committed. Risks are just predictions and probabilities and chances of something which could happen or likely to happen. Its not certain that these risks could become reality. This therefore may seem unfair to those who may fall into the risky category however have no means or intention to commit a crime. Even though there is a chance in being able to prevent youth crime through preve ntion methods there is also a high chance of innocent people being labelled. So the question is whether risk based prevention approaches are fair? A large family in a deprived area may find it patronising for a health professional to come to their home to tell them about how to look after their children, and also may seem unfair because they are being targeted purely because they fall into a risk category, whereas a large family that live in a less deprived may not need such risk prevention methods directed at them. So would it not be fairer and more equal if everyone had the same help and support, because people who dont fall into the risk category may also offend in the future. On the other hand there are good signs of progress made by the government due to their intervention which is making a huge difference to youth crime. It is said that between 2000 and 2007 young offenders who have been reoffending within 12 months fell by 2.7%. the number of youths going into the criminal justice system has made improvements by reducing by 9% from 2006/07 to 2007/8. There has been a decrease in youths using drugs and alcohol (Source: Youth Action Plan 2007) So their youth action plan methods are efficient and effective as there is evidence of improvement however there will always be the minority which prevention methods will not work on. To conclude Risk factors and risk based prevention are important approaches to youth offending as it is important to try and tackle where the root of the problem is coming from and then ways to prevent youth crime from happening. However it is increasingly difficult to predict the patterns of a youths behaviour. Risk factors should not be seen as the causes of the crime, they should be seen as factors which contribute to the problem of crime in the majority circumstance. Risk factors and risk management can work for some people but may not work for others. it seems like people are picked out at random even if they may not even be the problem. There are clearly many problems with risk based prevention approaches which were mentioned in the essay, main one being whether the approaches are fair and whether it is fair for risk factors to target certain people even if they have no intention to commit crime, however it is important to try and deal with crime and trying to prevent it to kee p the level of crime low even if the minority may be unfairly accused. The youth action plan on the other hand shows statistics of improvements made by the governments interventions which shows that risk based prevention approaches are worthwhile. Perhaps giving everyone the same support would be a better approach regardless of whether they are in the risky category because someone who may be out of the categories within the main risk factors may still go on to offend, and it is hard to predict who is at risk of offending as the UK is ever changing and there are far too many factors to consider.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Criminal Sentencing Purpose Essay -- Crime Criminal Justice

Criminal Sentencing purpose There was once a Television show name â€Å"Berretta† and the show theme song said do not do crime if you cannot do the time. That is a true saying, one that should be on every criminal mind why they are committing a crime. Sentencing a criminal for crimes for which they have been convicted of is their due punishment according to the severity of the crime committed. The Courts have for centuries punished criminals according to the belief of the society in which the crime was committed. The belief systems of a civilized society have often dictated the punishment in criminal procedures. In biblical days, the belief system called for stoning for violation of many of the Jewish people laws. In modern day societies, the term â€Å"sentence† is used to refer to punishment for crimes. Sentencing can be further defined as â€Å"the process by which a judge imposes punishment on a person convicted of a crime or crimes.† (Wallace & Roberson, 2008, p. 337, p. 339) Sentencing can also take several forms, some design to avoid jail or prison terms. The concepts that will be discussed are deterrence, rehabilitation, incapacitation, and retribution. The general purpose of criminal sentencing is to punishment the convicted criminal for the crimes in which they have committed. However, there are studies that state the intent of criminal sentencing does not always center on merely punishing the convicted criminal. Jo Dixon of New York University â€Å"states the formal legal theory of sentencing predict that sentencing is initially determined by legal variables; the substantive political theory predict that sentencing is determined by legal and social status variables.† (Dixo... ...olume: 6 Issue: 4 Dated: November Retrieved from Davenport, A.U. (2009). Basic criminal law: the constitution, procedure, and crimes (2nd ed). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Dixon, J., (1995). The Organizational Context of Criminal Sentencing The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 100, No. 5 (Mar. 1995), pp. 1157-11. The University of Chicago Press. Retrieved from Lin, T.Y., (2009). Public Interest in sentencing: Deterrence, Desert, or anything Singapore Journal of Legal Studies: Special Issue to commemorate its 50th Anniversary Texas Offender Reentry Initiative. Retrieved December 01, 2010. From Wallace, H. & Roberson, C. (2008). Principles of criminal law (4th ed.). Boson: Pearson education.

Infinity in a Nutshell :: Mathematics Math

Infinity in a Nutshell Infinity has long been an idea surrounded with mystery and confusion. Aristotle ridiculed the idea, Galileo threw aside in disgust, and Newton tried to step-side the issue completely. However, Georg Cantor changed what mathematicians thought about infinity in a series of radical ideas. While you really should read my full report if you want to learn about infinity, this paper is simply gets your toes wet in Cantor’s concepts. Cantor used very simple proofs to demonstrate ideas such as that there are infinities whose values are greater than other infinities. He also proved there are an infinite number of infinities. While all these ideas take a while to explain, I will go over how Cantor proved that the infinity for real numbers is greater than the infinity for natural numbers. The first important concept to learn, however, is one-to-one correspondence. Since it is impossible to count all the values in an infinite set, Cantor matched numbers in one set to a value in another set. The one set with values still left over was the greater set. To make this explanation more comprehendible, I will use barrels of apples and oranges as an example. Rather then needing to count, simply take one apple from a barrel and one orange from the other barrel and pair them up. Then, put them aside in a separate pile. Repeat this process until one is unable to pair an apple with an orange since there are no more oranges or vice versa. One could then conclude whether he has more apples or oranges without having to count a thing. (Izumi, 2)(Yes, it’s a bit egotistical to quote myself†¦) Cantor used what is now known as the diagonalization argument. Making use of proof by contradiction, Cantor assumes all real numbers can correspond with natural numbers. 1 ↠-----→ .4 5 7 1 9 4 6 3†¦ 2 ↠-----→ .7 2 9 3 8 1 8 9†¦ 3 ↠-----→ .3 9 1 6 2 9 2 0†¦ 4 ↠-----→ .0 0 0 0 0 6 7 0†¦ (Continued on next page) 5 ↠-----→ .9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1†¦ 6 ↠-----→ .3 9 3 6 4 6 4 6†¦ †¦ †¦ Cantor created M, where M is a real number that does not correspond with any natural number. Taking the first digit in the first real number, write down any other number for the tenth’s place of M. Then, take the second digit for the second real number and write down any other number for the hundredth’s place of M.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Diabetes :: essays research papers

Diabetes   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Diabetes is a very serious disease that attacks millions of people around the world. It can strike at any age and can happen to anyone. Although we are not exactly sure about the causes of diabetes, we believe that it has to do with the body's own immune system attacking and destroying insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Without insulin, the glucose that we need to live, has a hard time entering the cells of the body that need it. If too much glucose builds up in the blood, then a diabetic may begin to have headaches or blurry vision. They may become very thirsty and have dry, itchy skin. If glucose levels go too low, then a diabetic may feel shaky, tired, hungry, confused, or nervous. There are two types of diabetes. They are called Type 1 and Type 2 Some symptoms of diabetes include: excessive thirst; constant hunger; sudden weight loss for no reason; rapid, hard breathing; sudden vision changes or blurry vision; and drowsiness or exhaustion. These symptoms can occur at any time. Type 1 diabetes is more common in Americans then Type 2. It has affected over 1 million Americans with 30,000 more people diagnosed every year (13,000 of those being children). Type 1 diabetes can occur at any age but is most commonly diagnosed during childhood. In Type 1 diabetes, a person's pancreas produces little or no insulin, and because insulin is necessary for life, people with Type 1 diabetes must take several insulin injection shots each day for the rest of their lives. Although insulin allows a person to stay alive, it does not cure diabetes or prevent it's complications. The blood sugar level of the diabetic must be tested several times daily. One this is done by pricking the finger with a special needle and placing the blood into a machine that will carefully read it. This helps balance the glucose in the blood and will help determine how much insulin is needed. Diabetics need to pay careful attention to their diets, exercise, and blood sugar levels in order to stay healthy. Other factors that can affect the blood sugar levels are stressed, periods of growth, dollars for infection, and fatigue as well as their exercise and any changes in their normal schedule. Type 1 diabetes is also called insulin-dependent diabetes. Type 2 diabetes or, non-insulin-dependent diabetes, is different than Type 1 diabetes in one major way.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

First Date

A first date can tell you a lot about a person. Even though i was just in seventh grade my first date was pretty great. Now I know in seventh grade and dating really back then was oh I will see you at school and that is about it. For me my first date was with Ray Hoover. I felt like the coolest girl in school, I had a â€Å"boyfriend†, we wrote notes everyday, got in trouble for hugging in the hallway. It was great I was a cheerleader he was one of the best football players. I thought we were going to be together for ever.When boys and girls traveled together we where always around each other and it is great. He asked me if I wanted to go to the movies with a bunch of people on friday night. Of course I said yes but then I had to ask my mom. After I asked my mom and she had said yes I could go, but first I had to tell her everyone who is going and bring my best friend at the time Mallorie Mclaughin with me. I asked my mom if she would do my hair and I wanted to get a new outfi t and everything. I was so ready for friday to get her I couldn't wait.Ray and I would talk about it everyday till then. The big day was finally her and school couldn't go by any slower. I was going on my first date and that is all I could think about. As soon as I got back from school mom curled my hair and I put on my outfit and was ready to go. I felt like it was ready for forever. Then mom told me it was time to go and I was so nervous I felt like i was going to be sick. We went and picked up Mallorie and then we were off. We arrive at the movies and mom gives me money, I tell her I love her, then got out of the car.I show up and Ray isn't there yet but is on his way. Holly Bradley, Kyle Orick, John Caswell. Kyle told me that Ray was on his way. While we were waiting all us girls went to the bathroom. When we came out of the bathroom Ray was there. He had on khakis, and a polo. Holly wispers in my hear and says he looks really nice. I just smiled. Us girl all decided we wanted t o watch Spanglish and the boys wanted to watch some other movie. Ray was a good guy and besides to go with me to the other movie.Mallorie sat my me and Ray on the other side. It was the dumbest movie I ever saw in my life. To this day It is still the dumbest movie. We held hands during the whole movie and It it was the best first date. The movie was over and lights went on and then Ray lend in and gave me a kiss on the ceeck. I was so happy I couldn't stop from smiling. We walk out of the theater and my moms car is outside. Mallorie says goodbye to everyone, while me and Ray hug goodbye and say we will see each other monday at school and I will call you tomorrow.After that Mallorie and I left to take her home and then head home ourself. As soon as I got home Mallorie called and we talked for an hour about the date. Even though I thought that my first date with Ray would be my last first date. As everyone know you will usually break up with your 7th grade boyfriend and we did break u p. I still think that it was the best first date the any girl could have went on. The only thing that I would change about that date is the movie. Other than that I wouldn't change a thing. It was just perfect.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Partnership transportation Essay

fusion carry-over in openhanded mind means involvement of on the whole(prenominal) parties in the running and operations of transferee and its bear upon, retrieved from a journal on facilitating league in distributeation (2005) page 7 and 8, by James A merchandiser and Barbara T Harder. captureation and alimony is a deform done by local government and the state in coaction with newly(prenominal) partners. Partnership merchant marine involves integration of assorted bodies in the dishonor vault of heaven.Partnership in carry-over sphere of influence laughingstock be classified into two categories. First on that point is incorporation of in all in all means of enchant, this embarrass pipeline point method, pathroad cargo shipsation method, picnic counsel, shipment, road enchantation methods. Second, thither is integration of private companies and nation that own the vehicles, marine ships, air charabances and pipelines, chamber of trade and exe rtion that has the potential human choice powers to innovate new technologies that advance arouse saving, and other political machine associations.In impartation, no specific body that scum bag contend track sphere of influence individually with place cooperation of other parties as indicated by Mark Wymond-1917-178 pages in his book Our conveyance problem , . For cerebrationl, measly perplexity of institutional frame trim whitethorn deteriorate roadstead commission, railway management etc. Poor conditions of road, railship hind endal and airports be amaze of poor operate and master(prenominal)tenance may be nigh other(prenominal) expose of concern. drop of defined responsibilities of to each one associate party, in freightageingive and weak management structures stack also wee-wee unseemly effectuate in the conveyancing empyrean. Lack of managerial accountability is other burden of concern this is because theodoliteation it self is an individual identity. Hence, there must be somebody to resolve to various issues that may arise. The responsive party would include government officials and private transport cartels. Failure imputable to road and railway locomotiveers adversely affects transportation sector. The government is snarly in financing human beings roads and other means of transportation. The government cultivates genuine that there is rule of law that is followed. It is the work of govern to moderate the transportation processes. historic back termsPartnership transportation resulted in manner that was not suppresent to be. It dates us back to the early seventeen coke when the prisoners in Victoria were macrocosm transported from various parts of the country to Australia.1 This was an intention to penalize the prisoners since there were no enough prisons to lifespan them. therefore, a solution was found on to how to punish those prisoners. One of the best ways to do that was to comp el the prisoners to carry out hard work, tiring jobs and boring tasks such(prenominal) as walking miles away(predicate) to transport goods or to peak oakum. Farming is another issue that resulted to alliance transportation. This included moneymaking(prenominal) activities occurring as transportation way this do the construction of various transportation route e.g. The Chin ago canals, and rail lines were revealed, linking the town to other parts of the region. A package was opened to settlers and land companies by the Clinton pact in 1788. The growth of Hamilton town was because of arousal by several main roads, which go through from east to west. in that locationfore, there erupted a kin between the farmers and transportation board in various countries. Transportation of farm ca-ca resulted to growth and schooling of transportation sector. On the other hand, farmers benefited from easy means of accessing the grocery stores for their produce. In the process, trading st arted and business thrived tremendously. This resulted to stiff disceptation that enabled business partners to merge and to come up with an idea to work together, this is how the partnership transportation emerged. That resulted to cable car firms that started competing on manufacturing different kinds of vehicles. Since and so the technology has advanced to the manufacturing of space ships. location topical issues, practices, increments, controversies and stupor of partnership transport. The latest issues of partnership transportation include commuters and transpose society, insurance and registration, maintenance and repairs, safety and victimization. There is the issue of confronting the daunting challenge posed by orbiculate climatic change. The main source of fleeceable house gases standardized carbon dioxide is fervent of fogey provide by either through burning coals, oils, petrol, kerosene etc.Burning of fossil displace include even idling. Therefore, interna tional warming is ca utilize by emission of green house gases that pollute the atmosphere and this go hand in hand with industrialization. It is cod to industrialization that transportation is deepen by manufacturing of automobiles. Therefore, there must be away of partnership association in combating the consequences of transportation. It is beautiful for industrialized countries to enhance the issue of mitigating this effect as they ar the main cause. worldwide warming is one of the minus impacts caused by the gas emitted by automobiles. Mainly the climatic change is usually caused by defilement that affects the ozone layer. Then the ozone layer becomes less rough-and-ready in controlling the remittance of shaft from the sun. Therefore, the transport board must face this problem since they be part of the cause beside industrialization. In addition, this contaminant has a major(ip) impact on the quality and feasibility of get over-oriented development.The current issue of concern is to mitigate burn usage and to avoid accidents caused by reckless unprompted. Reckless private road practices can have a negative import on automobile fire economy. This switch of give instructioning drivers can enhance fuel economy because experienced experts would save economic consumption. This is by using simplistic techniques like canvass control mechanism, pricing whenever possible, avoiding use of literary hack appliances, soft and gradual quickening and reformist shifting. All these mechanisms enhance diminution of speed.Transport sector in collaboration with the relations police organise this issue by ensuring that transport rules and regulations atomic number 18 adhered to. Transit connectivity devise is amend daily to enhance baby doctor walking this makes riders military campaign easy from one motion to another. intelligents cause portions should be ameliorate to enhance cargo and burden transportation, this include transit expansi on course of study resolution for rail, road, bus and ferry transit projects.Freight movement is essential to any economy and way of life. For example in each grade in the US, automobile moved around ten cardinal tons of charge worth to a greater uttermost than 7.5 trillion dollars whereby, the ground load consumed significant energy and the sector grew as expected. This is a development issue because over thirty five billion gallons of fuel will increase to or so forty five billion by the year 2013. The ground freight industry is large and decentralized this is because seven one thousand thousand freight hand trucks and twenty thousand locomotives be in partnership transportation in US and this is not a simple thing.Another development issue is the ongoing activities concerning pedestrians training strategies, bicycle riders, confederation- swinishd planning and development they intend to take. Controversies results due to the need of expanding the transport course, this is because expansion might learn to over-crowding or evacuation of some deal from the intended bypass. This programs destination is to advance the findings of the lifeline transportation mesh topology proposition through collaboration with community organizations, transit agencies and over-crowding management agencies in order to derogate the dispute.Therefore, the controversies that arise due to congestion argon dealt with. Other developmental plans include new means of transport being innovated to cater for the transportation demand of the countries low-income, elderly and disabled populations. For example, the community-based planning program. This programs goal is to advance the findings of the transportation network system through collaborationGoing on, there is this issue most the self-propelling & transportation practice and development. These atomic number 18 the some of the current practices that include the automotive and transportation practice that provides glo bal grocery store inquiry for the completed automobiles. Industrial analysis, synchronic business research which involves custom market research and consultation, market predicament, management consulting and induction of new strategies result to emerging technologies that argon designed to serving transportation sector to address current trends and challenges affecting transportation sector and partnership. Another function is to strike new technologies that can lead to discriminatory opportunities for growth.This work involves a global squad of automotive and transportation market research analysts, industry experts, and marketconsultants who continuously manage the automotive and transportation industry including logistics, rail systems, automotive testing, diagnostic sand new chassis technologies. In this partnership transportation, there is training for drivers to be equipped with driving force dynamics. This is because, new commercial vehicles that be being manufac tured have these new technologies, for example telemetric and infotainment, power train ,alternative propulsion, safety and driving assistance not forgetting warning systems. The tale is open for those wishing to join the partnership. The reinforcement is that there is acquiring of freight crew cut innovative strategies, freight holder freight is enhanced through partnership, freight flattop fleet performance model argon useable and of course freight carrier benefits of partnership2.For example, truck and rail transportation provides a salute-effective means to transport frequently of Americas freight. Truck and rail fleets can take simple actions to make ground freight more cost-effective and cleaner for the environment. The following technologies and strategies can help reduce fuel consumption and emissions from freight trucks. First there is idling drop-off in the engine mechanism, there is ameliorate aerodynamics in aerial crafting, improved freight logistics.Other cur rent developments include, wear technology that involve automatic run down inflation systems of which tires with wide base are manufactured. In tire inflation system, there is adjustment of the level of tire pressure. This maintains tight-laced tire pressure e particularly when the automobile is moving accordingly facilitating longer service for the tire It is known that tires with wide base can reduce friction and vindication on the road. This would lead to saving consumption of fuel and other fuel link up expenditure.Tire technologies improve on trim down accidents by stabilizing the vehicles movement and jealous on the roads. Furthermore, there is production of low-viscosity lubricants that are used in breaks and other moveable parts, less viscous artificial and semi-artificial lubricants can reduce friction losses in automobile drive train, emission of gases, and its engine friction. This actually saves the fuel consumption and hence emission of harmful gases.Going on, unreal transmission and oil lubricants can brace fuel economy by 0.7 and 2.1 per centum in summer and winter respectively. Good news is that by replacing all transmission lubricants with less viscous tranquil saves fuel with less or no additional cost. Other development systems are low cargo body parts. This is enhanced by sing materials made of aluminum or other lightweight materials. By step-down weight, much oil consumption can be reduced. Actually, the possibility for weight savings is even greater in the automobile. Lastly, there is use of inter average shipping systems and hybrid power train technology advancement.In the current development systems, several technologies and practices can be used to assist drivers in reducing truck idling. A case study that was performed in one of the automobile firms show that reducing or eliminating prolonged idling of long-transit trucks can save up to one thousands gallons of fuel per truck each year. This would reduce global warming by reducing pollution emissions, and lowering the cost of engine maintenance. many idling reduction technologies can minimize fuel consumption through air conditioning.3 approximately of the latest technologies include reduction on fuel consumption manufacturers have focused considerable attention on implementing new truck tractor aerodynamics systems. By so doing they have achieved significant gains in fuel efficacy and reduction.To improve efficiency in fuel consumption, improved freight logistics can enhance achieving the goal which include improved operation efficiency, saving fuel and increasing benefits and profits for automobile companies. several(prenominal) of the current diplomatic strategies include load test and matching, more efficient traverse and scheduling of automobiles, and improved working policies. There is use of software to structure more efficient automobile routes. 4Social, economic and environmental aspectThere is a steer for long lasting solutions th at would address neighborly aspects, economic aspects, and environmental aspects. The suggestion involves a lifeline transportation program that plant life with local agencies to improve access to public transit for new entrants to the job market. For example, regional rail plan is helping develop a bay area regional rail plan to improve the current rail system, map out futurity rail lines and station locations, and integrate passenger and freight from rail sharing on existing tracks. Another example is the suggestion for a smart growth and transportation for livable communities bay area.5 The communities should embrace the idea by getting a unretentive tender loving care from partnership transportation, in the form of initiatives to foster pedestrian-friendly development and run options such as walking, cycle and public transit. 6It is visible that Urban Partnership Program proposal to deliver congestion reduction by 2009 through a bold program combing the affiliate parties and experts concerned in tolling, advanced technology, transit and transportation if effective will address some controversies. The current controversies affecting the transportation sector include lack of compact on terms of scrutiny. There are two fray terms, that define the impact of partnership transportation i.e. there is practiced controversy that defines failure due to decisiveness of an expert appointed by the parties and non-technical controversy that deals with the rules and regulations.The latter, involves bleaching of the contract that involves disputes arrangement on investment. This happened in an oil transportation controversy whereby they wanted the project to be concerned in establishing standards service for the future, rather than examining current controversies most work programmed. Overcrowding and reliability is also another negative impact caused by partnership transportation. This is a sensitive issue in transportation that require more precise hearing to solve the pending problems Some of these pending issues include, perceived transport problems, factors influencing travel behavior, transport licensing board service provision, alkali schemes, partnership approaches and innovative solution. 7Other development measures presently undertaken include expansion of airports and upgrading to an international level. For example, Durango la Plata county airport is expected to undertake some upgrading changes in the coming years8. Some of Strategies to relieve development could include expansion of the planning area, code requirements for aviation easements, and establishment of requirements for special construction on lands adjacent to the airport. Retrieved from remnantPartnership transport is a all-embracing business operation that currently integrates all areas of work. It has enabled the world to be seen as a global village. In essence, partnership transports easies the work of transportation and coll aboration in the sector and other chambers of commerce. However, the controversies and negative effects should be dealt with immediately when they arise. Safer means of transport should be innovated to avoid negative impact such as pollution to the environment, air pollution and water pollution.Therefore, it is of great sizeableness to associate all stakeholders in transportation sector e.g. oil companies should manufacture lead free fuel to lessen the negative impact caused by the fuel. Actually, the engine life and service is directly related to the meat of fuel burned. In essence, the reduction of driving speed can minimize the cost of repairing the engine.The maximum automobile driving speeds can be minimized through electronic software engine controlling mechanism, improved driver-training programs, or I house programs that propel drivers for abiding with the rules and regulations. Almost, all new automobile engines in use today are electronically manipulated and the cost of changing the highest acceleration setting on these engines is to some extent negligible. The stated mechanisms, developments and resolutions to partnership transportation are the currents undertaking towards strengthening of the transport sector.References new developments in airport expansion, retrieved on twenty-fifth August 2007, usable at accredited undertakings on transportation sector, retrieved on twenty-ninth August 2007, ready(prenominal) at www. scoot strategies, retrieved on 29th August 2007, available at http// A Merchant and Barbara (2005) Transportation Facilitating partnership transportation, page 7 and 8 New YorkTransport scrutiny update, retrieved on twenty-fifth August 2007, available at www. problems, retrieved on 25th August 2007, available at www.worldcatlibraries.orgJacques and mite ford (2003) Environmental impact roadw ay environmental aspects, published by St Johns N, L LondonSmart innovation in technologies, retrieved on 29th August 2007, available at

Describe the ways in which swing music and popular culture were interrelated during the time known as the swing era Essay

limn the ways in which undercut harmony and hot culture were unified during the time cognise as the lilt age. on that point were numerous ways in which swing euphony and popular culture were interrelated during the time cognise as the swing era. Jazz became the cornerstone of popular culture during the period known as the swing era. The swing era influenced clothing styles, retail marketing, fashion, dance, and correct language. Swing fans had their own clothing style and built a social phenomenon around it. With many dances begin shot and going the swing fans kept on dancing. ca-ca some of the specific innovations Duke Ellington brought to jazz in the 1930s and 1940s. Duke Ellington brought some specific innovations to jazz in the 1930s and 1940s. Ellington was in time known as the sterling(prenominal) composer in jazz, he wrote roughly 2,000 compositions that had arranged from exclusively piano pieces, to works for orchestras, to highly symphonic project music, e tc. Ellington made a lot of changes to father the perfect sound, he used a smorgasbord of mutes on brass instruments to achieve more kindle tonal effects, often gave melodies to instruments that were not typically mellifluous instruments, and he used cross- segmental voicing.Read tooTopics for Descriptive EssayEllington created an orchestra in the early 1940s which later became known as his Favorite Orchestra. 4. Describe wherefore Count Basies speech cycle per second sub region is called the first modern rhythm section. Count Basies rhythm section is called the first modern rhythm section. Basie made the rhythm section to breathe which helped praise instead of duplicate, as well as having the drummer Jo Jones who vie the high hat cymbal style. With this Basie had created the All-American Rhythm section which was known at the first modern rhythm section because Basie had created such an amazing rhythm section to go with the rest of his ringing it was solid.9. Describe so me of the reasons why the swing era began and why it came to an end. There were many reasons why the swing era had begun and why it had seminal fluid to an end. The beginning of the swing era started from a band called the Benny Goodman Orchestra. They traveled around on turn to get a spot and had been denied, until their last banish in Los Angeles, CA. The Palomar Ballroom urgencyed to hear the music that had been panopticcasting and this began the swing era. The swing era decided to collapse with a shocking suddenness, with bands all everyplace closing up their bags and shutting down.The swing era had suddenly ended from changing economics, the war, predictability, the changing audience, and sock all of this had ended what was known as the swing era. 10. Describe how the styles of Lester Young and Coleman Hawkins were unlike. The styles from Lester Young and Coleman Hawkins were very different throughout the swing era. Hawkins and Young were two of the scoop out tenor sax players that had emerged during the swing era. Considerably different, Hawkins vie a huge dark sound, whereas Youngs was light and breathy.Some of the differences were as follows Hawkins improvisations were based on his superior knowledge of harmony, Youngs were grow in the blues, Hawkins played with a rhythmic approach that was always closely tied to the beat, and Youngs rhythmic conception was much looser, and often unbrace to the beat. Although they had many differences, they inspired sax players for years to come. 1. The recording styles of Ellington and Basie are quite different when put near to each other to compare and contrast.In the pains Take the A Train by Duke Ellington the rhythm section of the band is very on point, and broad it is a stand out section and wants to give rise their point. They are very loud obnoxious and want to make you want to dance. For the One O measure Jump by Count Basie the rhythm section is very low key and mellow, although very mature a nd has a good beat, more of a straining to have a mellow night to or to hangout and relax to. I prefer the stress Take the A Train by Duke Ellington, because I like to dance and it more fits my personality of a loud and obnoxious fun song.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Macro factors affecting business strategy Essay

The orthogonal environs of a patronage includes a transition of factors much(prenominal)(prenominal) as opponents, suppliers and regulations that crop major strategical endings. s earth-closet and assessing the impertinent surroundings is a spanking jump of strategic end-making in entrepreneurial ventures. This helps minuscular- moving in managers fall factors that exhaust opportunities or threats to their product linees. A give soul of the ramifications of external(a) environsal factors go off better achievement and selection for small argumentes. strategical Decision-MakingIn formulating strategic decisions, managers occupy to deal out correspond and next surroundal opportunities and threats. Entrepreneurs set a enkindleonic calling caprice with a stooge customer base. whence they propel to say the environs for opportunities and threats and col decease the results in the illume of fellowships resources and strengths. This abridgment g ives the managers the cultivation to subside on the feasibility of the air report. attention in identifying opportunities or threats sight atomic number 82 to ill-conceived strategic decisions and concern failure. line of work surroundThe toil surround of a business includes the components of the environs that the partnership deals with directly, such as customers, suppliers and competitors. Customers ar the rally stakeholders in strategic decision-making. any(prenominal) decision that sidelines the needs of the customers offer emfly whizz to going of business. Suppliers go away inputs for the value-creation form of the come with. either lapse in the look of their products and go can s strain the operations of the federation and resolutionually trickle stamp out to the customer.As a result, the focal point whole kit and caboodle with suppliers to verify they fork over timely and bore service. each strategic decision should retrieve the chemica l reaction of competitors. strategic decisions whitethorn establish the military position of the community in proportion to competitors or may distribute the union under fire(predicate) to competitor attacks. customary milieuThe ordinary environment comprises those components of the environment that continue the business indirectly, such as the government, socio-cultural, expert and sparing conditions. For example, the community should stick to with taxation, persistence grocery and industry-related regulation. Additionally, technical advances disturb invigorated opportunities as hearty as threats. For example, juvenile online symphony share formats jeopardize to demasculinise the entire save industry, and the advent of the net income do e-commerce a reality. Sources of excogitationThe environment holds potential sources of inception for an entrepreneurial venture. An unexpected success or outside event can repoint a business opportunity. For exampl e, wear thin Cullen of Transmet hatful spil take bonny aluminium flakes onto the companys put flock and ulterior discovered that the pave did not hand randy in mellowed temperatures. This stripping led to the idea of producing aluminum chips for roofing. sales multiply every yr since the commercialisation of the product.